Author: Dan Gardner
Is there anything extra during the end credits of Captain America The Winter Soldier?
Yes, there are extra scenes during, or after, the end credits of Captain America The Winter Soldier. Read more…
Captain America: The Winter Soldier – movie review
Grade: A- Captain America: The Winter Soldier has everything you want in an Action/Adventure: action in spades, well paced, great acting, largely believable, and a few good laughs sprinkled throughout. The Action was pretty much all you could ask for. Chris Evans, as Captain America, is a great combination of grace and brute force. His…
6 things you must know before seeing Noah
Filmmakers followed biblical ark design Instead of creating a super cool Hollywood version of the ark, the director insisted on using the measurements giving in Genesis. “30 cubits high, by 50 cubits wide, by 300 cubits long and three levels high.” How big is a cubit? We don’t know. Shot in Iceland The director decided…
Fixing vibration issues with the Timer
in RunPee FAQsFor the past few days users have been reporting a problem with their phones not vibrating when using the Timer. The phone vibrates when testing but not while the Timer is running. This appears to be caused by a recent update to iOS to version 7.1. Here are a few simple things you can do…
Veronica Mars – movie review
Grade: A I wouldn’t consider myself a Marshmallow, but I did watch, and enjoy, the Veronica Mars TV series. The movie is everything you would expect from a great two part TV episode. There is Veronica’s familiar sharp witted dialog, and the pacing is just like the TV show. They did a great job paying…
300: Rise of an Empire – movie review
Grade: C+ This is no 300. I loved that movie and have seen it many times. However, Rise of an Empire was better than I thought it would be because from the previews it looked pretty horrible. It’s just as overly dramatic as 300, maybe even more so because Sullivan Stapleton, who plays the main…
Non-Stop – movie review
Grade: C+ Non-Stop was more enjoyable than I thought it would be, however, I wasn’t expecting much.Liam Neeson, as always, is a fantastic choice for the flawed hero character. Even in his 60s he’s still great at close combat action scenes. He’s only getting better at action/fighting due to the number of movies he’s made…
Son of God – movie review
Grade: B This movie isn’t going to win any critical awards but it’s a crowd-pleaser. If you’ve watched some of the dramatic retellings of the life of Jesus on History, BCC, Discovery, type channels then think of that but a good bit better. I found it interesting that they often used a characters name in…
Pompeii – movie review
Grade: D- When it’s all said and done Pompeii will be remembered as the movie that reacquainted the world with one of the best actors of his generation. He commanded attention in every scene he was in, even when he had no lines to deliver; and when he delivered his lines it was with precision…
3 Days to Kill – movie review
Grade: C- Lets set the tone right away.First, in the first three minutes of this movie you find out that a very young, and very good looking woman, is assigned, by the Director of the CIA no less, to be the lead agent in taking down one of the most important international terrorists in the…