Here at RunPee, we add around 160 movies to the database each year. That’s every wide release movie, plus a few select limited releases. Our lives revolve around catching movies as soon as they are out, to harvest Peetimes for you!
We add movies as early as possible, almost always after the first public showing on Thursday nights. ([pullquote]If you see someone sitting in the back corner of an AMC theater on opening night, with a pen and paper in hand, it might be a member of the RunPee Family. Drop by and say, “Hi.”[/pullquote])
For some blockbuster movies, such as in the Marvel, Star Wars, Harry Potter franchises, etc, we have a professional movie critic in LA who grabs Peetimes for us during a pre-release screener. It costs us extra money to get these Peetimes for you, but it’s important to us to have Peetimes before the public opening for those highly anticipated movies.
One of our biggest headaches is deciding which Limited Release movies to add to the database. For one thing, limited releases don’t usually open in our family’s hometowns (Asheville, NC; San Diego, CA; and Sanford, FL) until they’ve been out for a few weeks. But when they do, we usually add them to the database. [pullquote position=”right”]Our rule of thumb is: if it’s showing at the local AMC Theater, then it’s probably showing at a lot of places.[/pullquote]
Late in the year, when the Oscar hopefuls come out, we make an extra effort to pay attention and get Peetimes for those movies, as soon as we can. This is still a guessing game, because no one knows for sure what’s going to be an Oscar contender until after its released.
If you ever have suggestions for movies you would like us to add, you can always contact us: [email protected].