Category: RunPee
iPhone Mobile Version of RunPee Now Released
Here is our new press release on the BRAND NEW, just released iPhone application, available at iTunes! YAY! We’re so thrilled it’s finally live and ready for $1.99 downloading. Our fresh press relase, for anyone who might like to post this: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Dan Florio, 310-977-0553 [email protected] NEW iPHONE APP LETS MOVIEGOERS ENJOY…
iPhone Apps just released Period Tracker – expect RunPee to follow
We just got word that yet another personal boldily function has been molded by iPhone into an application to make your life better and better. This time the subject is a woman’s menstruation cycle. The app looks useful, thoughtfully planned and definately useful for women! We figure that if the subject of a…well..bloody PERIOD is…
Finding PeeTimes – EXACTLY how I find those movie breaks
A few people have asked how I make PeeTimes. Well let me tell you: it isn’t easy, or fun. But it must be done. Bladders depend on me!